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Post by rat on Oct 4, 2014 17:51:35 GMT
Generation and storage, transfer.
Солнечные батареи. Производят за время своей жизни примерно столько же энергии, сколько нужно затратить на их производство и утилизацию. Способов улучшения ситуации с ними не видно. Solar panels. Produced during his life about as much energy as you need to spend on their production and disposal. Ways to improve the situation with them is not visible.
Аккумуляторы. Углеродные нанотрубки позволяют делать аккумуляторы с емкостью в десятки раз выше литий-полимерных. Осталось научится производить длинные нанотрубки дешево. Batteries. Carbon nanotubes allow you to do a battery with a capacity of ten times higher lithium polymer. Remaining learn to make long nanotubes cheap.
Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2014 17:57:58 GMT
Some of our ideas for improving solar energy is instead of using rare-earth metals and ingredients (that you wouldn't have good access to without the global economy), Minerva has specialized in biological-solar panels. Using biological molecules (like chlorophyll) to grab the solar energy and convert it into usable form. This is obviously not possible now, but I believe (from my studies in biology) that it is possible in the future, especially with our proposed focus in biology and genetics and biotechnology for Minerva.
If nothing else, they could make really really good biofuel that can be burned to make electricity, with little pollution.
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Posts: 839
Post by rat on Oct 4, 2014 18:12:06 GMT
Искусственный фотосинтез сегодня возможен. Но не нужен. Его КПД (биологического процесса фотосинтеза) меньше 1%. По той же причине производство биотоплива очень неэффективный процесс. Artificial photosynthesis is possible today. But not necessary. Its efficiency (the biological process of photosynthesis) is less than 1%. For the same reason, the production of biofuels is a very inefficient process.
Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2014 18:14:29 GMT
And we're supposing that with 100 years of focus and research, the efficiency is much better. There isn't any oil anymore, and Minerva doesn't like nuclear energy either (nuclear winter and etc). There is probably also some geothermal and wind energy, but more efficient solar energy is our main idea And better batteries/energy storage too, definitely.
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Posts: 839
Post by rat on Oct 4, 2014 18:19:07 GMT
Эффективность современных солнечных батарей выше 90%. Этого значения не достичь точно. Если нужен вечный двигатель, проще ввести его в игру напрямую. The efficiency of modern solar above 90%. This value is not achieved precisely. If you want a perpetual motion machine, it is easier to introduce it into the game directly.
Post by Admin on Oct 4, 2014 20:04:51 GMT
Rat, a perpetual motion machine is completely unrealistic, while better solar is at least based on truth and plausible.
I would love to hear what ideas you have for energy generation in a world with basically no oil and no nuclear energy.
Post by jasonc on Oct 5, 2014 0:26:28 GMT
Theoretically, if we could manage to harvest the ATP produced by the chlorophyll, it could biological solar energy could become a real thing. The real test would be if it can compete with current solar panels.
Post by jasonc on Oct 5, 2014 0:32:15 GMT
And although is hasn't been done before, perpetual energy devices aren't that far away. There is this one toy that consists of three "doughnut" magnets (each having conflicting polarities) stacked above each other on a pole so that there float above each other. When you spin the center magnet, it creates an electromagnetic current, small, but still detectable. In theory, if you could but it in a container with no friction, the magnet could spin endlessly, creating perpetual energy.
Post by Admin on Oct 5, 2014 0:33:20 GMT
We have talked about using biological energy (ATP) instead of electrical energy to power devices. Or even using ATP to power molecular motors, creating electron gradients -> current.
Post by jasonc on Oct 5, 2014 1:51:47 GMT
The chlorophyll in the panels could give off a green hue, resulting in a pretty cool post-nuclear war battle armor suits is some group were to develop it
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Posts: 839
Post by rat on Oct 5, 2014 4:44:45 GMT
Эффективность фотосинтеза не меняется от способа хранения выработанной энергии. В России перспективными способами выработки электрической энергии считаются ядерные реакторы закрытого цикла (надеюсь, термин в английском тот же, и Гугль сделает корректный перевод) и термоядерные реакторы. Еще одно направление это компактные атомные установки, например реакторы для космических спутников.
Photosynthetic efficiency does not change the method of storage of energy produced. In Russia, promising ways to generate electricity are considered nuclear reactors closed loop (I hope, the term in English is the same, and Google will make the correct translation), and fusion reactors. Another direction is compact nuclear plants, for example reactors for space satellites.
Post by Admin on Oct 5, 2014 12:23:29 GMT
Part of my story is a strong taboo against nuclear energy, starting with the Fukushima disaster and then the nuclear war. So I'm looking for other energy source ideas.
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Posts: 839
Post by rat on Oct 5, 2014 13:41:19 GMT
Япония решила не отказываться от ядерной энергетики после Фукусимской катастрофы. Так же, как Россия не отказалась после Чернобыльской катастрофы. Japan decided not to abandon nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster. Just as Russia has not abandoned after the Chernobyl disaster.
Солнечная энергетика на нашей планете не эффективна по физическим ограничениям. Если создать в космосе на орбитах вокруг Земли систему зеркал, которые будут обеспечивать высокую постоянную плотность энергетического потока в области, где размещена солнечная электростанция, тогда солнечная энергетика станет эффективной. Solar energy on the planet is not effective with respect to physical constraints. If you create a space in Earth orbit a system of mirrors that will ensure a constant high energy flux density in the region where solar power is available, then solar power will become effective.
Эффективная ветроэнергетика это огромные машины для установки ветряков, вроде корабля водоизмещением в 18 000 тонн, «MPI Resolution». Сами ветряки это сотни тонн алюминиевых сплавов и композитов, обработанных с высокой точностью, ошибка в миллиметр на десять метров, сложной формы. И запасные генерирующие мощности на случай отсутствия ветра с запасами топлива. Effective wind power is huge machines to install wind turbines, like a ship with a displacement of 18,000 tons, «MPI Resolution». Wind turbines it is hundreds of tons of aluminum alloys and composites processed with high accuracy, the error in the millimeter to ten meters, the complex shape. And spare generating capacity in the event of a lack of wind and fuel reserves.
Геотермальная энергетика и гидроэнергетика ограничены необходимыми для них природными условиями. Geothermal energy and hydropower would reduce the need for them to natural conditions.
Выращивание растений для сжигания это тоже самое, что солнечная энергетика. Помноженное на плохую эффективность фотосинтеза. Growing plants for combustion is the same as solar energy. Combined with the poor performance of photosynthesis.
АЭС очень инерционны. NPP are very slow to change.
На сейчас в общем случае альтернативы ископаемому химическому топливу нет. Где то удается воспользоваться местными условиями: поставить ГЭС, ферму ветряков, АЭС. Но это именно везение. At now alternatives to chemical fossil fuel is not. Where it is possible to take advantage of local conditions: put HPP, a farm of wind turbines, nuclear power plants. But it is luck.
Русские планы "после Апокалипсиса" предполагают использование АЭС и стратегических запасов атомного топлива. Для обхода проблемы инерционности АЭС будут постоянно работать на высокой мощности, а избыток выработанной энергии будет сбрасываться в окружающую среду. Сами эти "быстро возводимые АЭС" тоже экологичностью не страдают. Russian plans "after the apocalypse" involve the use of nuclear power and strategic reserves of nuclear fuel. To circumvent the problem of inertia NPP will always operate at a high capacity, and the excess energy produced is released into the environment. Themselves are "quickly erected NPP" is also environmentally friendly does not suffer.
Решение во всех смыслах дорогое. Но другого способа снабдить миллион человек энергией после атомной войны у нас не нашли. Decision in all respects expensive. But another way to provide a million people after an atomic war, we did not find.
Post by Admin on Oct 5, 2014 14:05:01 GMT
You have to remember that some of our story is alternate-history and also science-fiction. While we try to base it on real history, some things in history we have changed slightly. An example of the alternate-history, in Japan, we have the accident being worse, and the backlash against nuclear energy being greater. An example of the sci-fi, we're saying that solar energy and photo-synthesis get more efficient than they are now. You are very correct that right now in the present, there aren't very good alternatives to chemical energy/fossil-fuels (except for nuclear). But in my story I'm saying that there is At least for Minerva. Other groups in the world are of course trying to use oil and nuclear energy, with varying degrees of success.
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Posts: 839
Post by rat on Oct 5, 2014 14:38:41 GMT
Дэн, эффективность биологического фотосинтеза 1%. Это научный факт. Если ты повышаешь эффективность фотосинтеза, то это не альтернативная история, это альтернативная физика. "Минерва" должна прожить эти сто лет. И для этого ей будет нужно производить энергию не на технологиях, которые будут через сто лет. Dan, the effectiveness of biological photosynthesis 1%. It is a scientific fact. If you increases the efficiency of photosynthesis, it is not an alternative history, this alternative physics. "Minerva" must live these hundred years. And for this it will be necessary to produce energy is not on the technologies that will be in a hundred years.