Faction 1
Posts: 839
Post by rat on Nov 14, 2014 14:35:48 GMT
Ход к 14.11.2014 Морской Экспедиции выполнить поставленные задачи и вернуться. Обстановочной бригаде продолжать обустройство реки Урал к устью. Земснаряду после постройки пройти испытание возле верфи, испробовав его на разных грунтах и в разных условиях работы. Верфи после постройки земснаряда приступить к строительству плашкоутов грузоподъемностью в 20 тонн. Описание этих плашкоутов дано в соответствующей теме: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/post/1321/threadЮжному Разведпункту закончить разведку района развертывания на глубину в 300 км. По одной разведгруппе назначить вести наблюдение за обнаруженными поселениями. Группами Глубокой Разведки отслеживать дороги и линии электропередач, каналы и трубопроводы, ведущие вглубь территории Минервы еще на 100 км. Группам Управления приступить к обустройству долговременных тайников и схронов, наблюдательных постов в районах своего развертывания. Свободным Разведгруппам вести в районах развертывания поиск противоправных действий: в первую очередь рейдеров, контрабандистов, мятежников и сепаратистов, воров и скотокрадов, бандитов, запрещенных или скрывающихся религиозных культов. Уборка урожая продолжается. Начаты работы по распашке и высадке озимых. Зерновые собраны, часть освободившихся людей переброшена на работы с озимыми, часть людей переброшены на сбор овощей и фруктов. Осталось еще две недели. Подготовка шпионов продолжается. Осталось еще три недели до подготовки первой группы внедрения. В Самару отправляется экспедиция из 20 сталкеров на 3 вездеходах ГАЗ-71, ее подробное описание сделано Ридгаром: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/post/1472/threadЗадачи этой экспедиции проверить состояние железной дороги до Самары, разведать местность возле дороги, провести поиск ценных артефактов и материалов, людей. Кроме обычного снаряжения и оружия, экспедиция имеет оснащение для обнаружения и преодоления зон радиоактивного заражения. Формируется группа из 10 ученых и инженеров для создания нового топлива и газогенераторов под него, более эффективных, чем применяются у нас сейчас. Подробное описание этой задачи: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/post/1459/thread
Turn for 14.11.2014. Sea expedition is to finis it's mission and return. The team sent to make measurements on the river is to keep moving towards the river mouth. Dredging ship is sent for testing on different types of soil near the shipyard. Shipyard begins building 20-tonn-carrying scows. Southern Reconnaissance Unit (previously referred to as Reconnaissance Base. This term isn't exactly correct since it's not a static structure but rather a detachment of troops) is ordered to finish scouting the area 300km deep from the border. Ranger teams (previously referred to as deep-reconnaissance teams) trace roads, pipelines and other infrastructure 100km deeper. Command teams are building stashes, caches and observation posts in the areas of their deployment. Reconnaissance teams are ordered to search for any kinds of illegal activity in Minervan territory - raiders, smugglers, separatists, rebels, thieves, forbidden religious cults and so on. Crops harvest is underway. Cleared fields are prepared for seeding of winter cereals. Two weeks of field works remain. Infiltration agents' training is underway. Three weeks remain until the first team is ready. An expedition of 20 stalkers on 3 GAZ-71 all-terrain vehicles is sent to Samara. Maps can be found in this thread. The team is composed from 5 scouts, 5 engineer trainees and 10 soldiers from training battalion. They have supplies for 16 days. Scouts are equipped with standard military gear, soldier trainees are armed with pump-action shotguns, engineers are armed with hunting double-barreled shotguns. The expedition is tasked with examining the railway to Samara, scouting the area around it, searching for any useful and valuable artifacts and materials, as well as people in the area. The expedition is equipped with radiation detectors as well as radiation-protecting gear (gas masks and hazmat suits). A team of 10 scientists and engineers is tasked with coming up with the more efficient type of fuel and gas generators for it.
Post by Admin on Nov 18, 2014 1:08:04 GMT
The sea expeditions spend most of the week discussing trade plans (which you can keep doing via messages) and at the end of the week start heading back with the news and to get more goods. On your visit to the Caliph (Sons faction leader), you see and experience this specifically: You are to be met at the port and brought overland by automobile to Baku by the Caliph's honor guard. The populace along the route appeared very hostile and angry towards you, and had to be restrained by police and military forces. However, all of the Caliph's retainers and guards treated yourespectfully, even affably, showing that the Caliph does not share his people's antipathy to all things Russian. As you enter the Throne Room , you see the Caliph, a very fat man, sitting upon his throne as thirty of his Honor Guard stand by the walls with their scimitars held in salute to you. The Caliph greets you as your gifts are given, and gifts of gold, copper, and delicacies are offered to you in return. They were then conducted to a side room where the actual negotiations took place with high government officials. As you leave the throne room, you see that the Caliph was assisted in standing by two strong men. Some specifics from your trade meetings with the Turkmen: The trade group that met with you was made up of 2 women and a man trader, as well as several men that appeared to be soldiers. Gifts were given: A board game for children (chess), and a term bag (like delivery boys use for pizza to keep it hot) that is decorated with Turkmen traditional colours/theme. Based on your discussions, you start setting up an embassy (basically) before sending back your ship with orders for more goods. River measurements go well, as do dredge ship experiments, so you are able to start dredging and clearing the river (blue line on the river route). Production on the scows is going well (remind me next week, you'll probably finish at least one at the end of next turn). Agriculture all is going well. Training is going well. The Southern Recon Unit (and the other units) continue their exploration, but find no new Minervan towns. They are able to find 2 different raider camps (red dots). RE your expedition to Samara, I'll need you to include a translated map. That thread is all in Russian with many technical terms and is too hard for me to understand. So for now, I'll say that your expedition is well under way. Next week include a nice translated map here and I'll update it to show you your progress. Your scientists are hard at work. They have a theory that could improve fuel efficiency by 5%! Your scouts on your eastern border report that a caravan is approaching. It appears to be a trade caravan.
Faction 1
Posts: 839
Post by rat on Nov 18, 2014 2:14:27 GMT
Dan, we will do for you, translating materials for terrestrial expedition. And the development of new fuel and wood gas generator of this thread: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/post/1459You are not noted on the map, where they found the caravan to the east? And what kind of transport in this caravan, how much? What is his protection? How big camp Raiders? As they are equipped, disguised? What kind of protection? We still have not found any roads, pipelines and other objects of economic activities in the territory of Minerva? Our scouts have found the soldier patrols Minerva? Aviation? Land transport? At the strategic level, these extra questions. But to write weekly progress fraction of this information is required. Main is my request. Take the next move population: write change the number of factions in the past month the game. Our thoughts about the demographics our faction here: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/thread/63/demographyDo for you translation.
Post by Admin on Nov 18, 2014 2:23:41 GMT
The caravan you saw from your border patrols at night (campfires), and then during the day, with binoculars, could only just see some wagons. So just 10 km east or so. You couldn't see any more details, but they appeared to be headed west looking for you. The 2 raider camps are pretty small. About 20 men each, with crappy random weapons and armor (like raiders in the comic). Some vehicles (like a jeep each). Not disguised. Just camping out. One in a cave, one in crappy houses/old abandoned town. RE roads and infrastructure. You're are far out in the "wild west" of Minerva. There aren't any roads or pipelines. Your scouts assume that they must send out a big caravan from the capitol at the harvest to collect the excess food and bring it back. Your scouts haven't seen any patrols, but you have seen a couple of drones in the sky on occasion. I don't understand your last request. I see that you are going to translate something and you want me to update it. Have Amberlight translate and explain what you're hoping for.
Faction 1
Posts: 839
Post by rat on Nov 20, 2014 12:45:01 GMT
Ход к 21.11.2014 Бригада, занимавшаяся обустройством реки, вернулась на судах морской экспедиции, обучается обращению с земснарядом и приступает к углублению фарватера. Суда морской экспедиции ремонтируются на верфи. Готовится к морскому переходу 8 шаланд, которые будут буксироваться "Ярославцами". На суда морской экспедиции загружается около 200 тонн грузов и техники для строительства порта и торгпредства у Туркмен, небольшое количество товаров и вездеход. Полный список загружаемых грузов и техники, товаров есть в соответствующей теме: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/post/1735/thread После подготовки и погрузки, приняв на борт рабочих и персонал торгпредства, Морская экспедиция выходит к заливу Дервиш на земле Туркмен, где будет строится будущий Фенек-Порт. Наши суда намного меньше тех, что на фотке, но авиаразведки у Туркмен нет, смотреть на них они будут с меньшего расстояния, поэтому будет выглядеть похоже: Армия проводит к востоку от Восточного рубежа операцию по идентификации обнаруженного конвоя, установлению его намерений и установлению контакта с ним в случае, если он мирный, или уничтожения, если он вражеский. Подробно план операции описан здесь: thedemonarchives.freeforums.net/post/1757 В случае, если конвой мирный, он будет остановлен на его нынешнем расположении, где с ним будут вестись переговоры. Южный Разведпункт продолжает вести наблюдение за поселениями "Минервы" силами одной разведгруппы на каждое поселение. Одна группа Глубокой Разведки высылается в регион к западу от Аральского моря, проверить наличие "Минервы" в нем. Все остальные силы Южного Разведпункта берут под наблюдение обнаруженные лагеря рейдеров и районы их расположения с целями: Обнаружить их источник жидкого топлива. Убедиться в том, что это не силы "Минервы", замаскировавшиеся под рейдеров. Исследовать тактику рейдеров на территории "Минервы". Подготовка шпионов. Идет общение с захваченными пленными о том, в каких взаимоотношениях состоит их поселение с Минервой, платят ли дань, в каких примерно объемах. В маленьком поселении такого не утаить, так что они должны знать хоть что-то. Что им рассказывают пропагандисты из Минервы. Осталось еще 2 недели до конца подготовки первой группы. Начала подготовку вторая группа. Исследование. Наша исследовательская группа выбрала возможные виды сырья для будущего топлива и собрала необходимые для работы резервы его, сделала необходимое оборудование для изготовления опытных брикетов, приступила к постройке опытовых газогенераторов для отработки сгорания нового топлива. Сельское хозяйство. Работы завершаются, постепенно люди и техника, занятые в них, освобождаются. Осталось еще 1 неделя до завершения всех работ. Строительство. Силами освобождающихся от сельхозработ людей и техники начато строительство завода по производству цемента на южном берегу реки Кама ниже по течению от устья реки Белая. На карте место строительства отмечено красным крестом.
Post by Amberlight on Nov 23, 2014 10:31:34 GMT
Turn for 21.11.2014. The team that was taking measurements and placing markers on the river returns on the ships of the sea expedition. It takes the dredging ship and starts deepening the sailing lanes. Ships of the sea expedition are being repaired on the shipyard. 8 wooden barges are being prepared for sailing. They will be towed by "Yaroslavets" ships (the same that went on the initial expedition). The ships are loaded with 200 tons of cargo - building materials and machinery to build trade embassy on Turkmen land, a bit of trading goods and an all-terrain vehicle Turkmens demanded as a fee. Full list of cargo: Excavator and tractor with construction equipment, 2 two-wheeled tractors with trailers, winches, welding generators, pneumatic pumps and other construction equipment. All-terrain vehicle with a trailer. All machinery comes with the spare parts for repairs. All available space on barges is loaded with wood and particleboard - fuel and building materials. Heavy building materials and equipment are loaded on Yaroslavets ships. When the ships are loaded with cargo and personnel (drivers, builders, mechanics, trade representatives and radio specialists, 40 men in total) the expedition moves out to the future Fenek-Port on Turkmen shore in Dervish bay. It will look something like this, but with smaller ships. Southern border: southern Recon Unit keeps monitoring Minerva settlements - one recon team for each. All remaining teams are set to monitor raider groups. Their tasks are: -Make sure that those are not disguised Minerva troops. -Find their source of fuel. -Study their tactics on Minervan territory. Agents training: Prisoners are questioned about how the settlement interacts with Minerva - do they pay taxes, and if yes how much and how often, what kind of help Minerva provides and what sort of a propaganda is being told to the citizens. In such a small settlement it is most likely that those things are a common knowledge. 2 weeks remain until the first team is ready. Second team have started to train. Research: The scientists team have found possible materials for the new fuel. They created a prototype machinery for it's production and made a few samples. They are now working on modified gas generators to test this new fuel. Agriculture: Harvest is almost done - one week remains. Many people and machines are freed from the field works. Construction works: People and machinery freed from the harvest are sent to construct a cement factory. It's location is marked by the red cross.
Post by Admin on Nov 25, 2014 1:08:38 GMT
Amberlight, what happened to the rest of the translated post? Something about what they were going to do with the caravan coming from the East. For now, I'll go over what I can. Sea expedition stuff: Dredging is going well. Your ships from the Turkmen and Sons have left the Caspian sea and are going up the river. They haven't reached your shipyard yet. It took longer because the dredging isn't finished yet, and going upriver was a little more difficult. You are able to start loading the barges, though. I think I remember some of the other stuff. Basically, the caravan is not hostile, they come in peace and want to trade, on behalf of the Khanate. You open up trade negotiations with them (message Dazim and castiel and me). Let me know what the other things were when you get a chance Amberlight. EDIT: Forgot 1 very important thing. Your southern recon base comes back from scouting one day to discover a large crate with a Minerva logo on it, a spent parachute next to it, sitting in the middle of their camp. They determine it isn't a bomb, and see that the box is filled with candy, and a note, in English and Russian, that says "We won't be so sweet next time." A similar crate is delivered mysteriously to your main shipyard. Both contain a long range radio with a note that says "We'd love to hear from you if you want to chat about something." (you can message me, sebastiangrey and demonnick). Your Southern recon scouts also report seeing armed vehicles. Lightly armored jeep/humvees basically, with a heavy machine gun turret. They move fast and just seem to be patrolling and making a presence known. Based on their counts they estimate that they've seen 5.
Post by Amberlight on Nov 25, 2014 7:59:28 GMT
Yep, my post got fragged up. I guess I'll skip the detailed description of our action in case if the caravan is hostile. It was greeted by a SpecOps team and ordered to stop. A radio station was delivered and they were contacted by our representatives. Shortly after an ambassador was sent out and is on his way now. I edited the post to include other things that were lost.
Post by Amberlight on Nov 25, 2014 8:34:41 GMT
Also, the crates must have had some computer hardware in them to control parachutes for a precision drop from high altitude, or the drones used some sort of dive-bombing maneuver to hit the target?
Faction 1
Posts: 839
Post by rat on Nov 25, 2014 8:41:17 GMT
And the weight of the containers, ie, raises a lot of stress in the UAV "Minerva", please? Which way went the 5 light-wheeled vehicles "Minerva"? If they went off the road, and our intelligence have not found the roads, they left behind a well-marked trails. Reconnaissance have found these tracks?
Post by Amberlight on Nov 25, 2014 10:54:54 GMT
It seems I totally forgot to translate the plans for our stalker expedition for the last turn. Let me remedy that. Forces sent to the expedition: 5 scouts from Southern border 5 student engineers 10 soldier trainees 3 GAZ-71 transporters Equipment: 3 portable gas generators with motor saws. Food and water for 16 days Tools and spare parts for field repairs Environment protection suits and gas mask for all members of the expedition. Survival gear and Geiger counter. Weapons: Scouts - military AK-74 and hunting crossbows. Engineer students - two-barrel rifles of our own make. Soldier trainees - pump-action rifles. Expedition sets off from an old town of Kumeratu, from where it moves along the old road P-240 to the town of Petrovolotsk where it reaches th highway M-5. Red circle - starting point, red star - important waypoint. From there an expedition follows the highway M-5 to the town of Buzuluk. It is tasked with observing the surroundings and checking the railway that runs parallel to the highway and see if it is in usable condition. White circles - stops at the towns. Secondary objective is to explore the towns along the way and estimate their value for future expedition. They are instructed to look for magnet-containing equipment wherever they go. Another task is to look for any settlements along the route. If any are found, the expedition should estimate how dangerous can they be and map their location. They will contact the locals only if they are sure that they are of no danger at all. Otherwise the expedition is to remain hidden and continue on it's way after the initial observation. If any contact is made, the locals should be questioned about the surrounding area, their way of life and technological level and if they would be willing to join NRF and resettle to our territory. Lastly, the expedition should estimate levels of radioactive contamination in the settlements and on the roads to better plan future expeditions. The team moves with maximal caution and does not take any risks. If they run into a heavily-contaminated area they would try to find a way around. In Buzuluk the expedition stops for one-two days to explore the city - see if it is possible to set a waystation for the future expeditions here and explore the most prominent sights for scavenging - production facilities, power plants and grain elevators. Next, the expedition moves to it's final destination, Samara. There they stop for several days to explore the city like they did in Buzuluk but more thoroughly. By now the expedition should have reached it's destination and be on the way back. Well, it should be on it's way back in any case since they have food only for 2 weeks.
Post by Admin on Nov 25, 2014 13:38:17 GMT
K, I'll get to this later today. (will edit this post with answer and explanations to all things) EDIT: Southern Recon team: -Continue to monitor settlements. See occasionally that the Aegis soldiers on those machine-gun jeeps stop by. The people receive them warmly. -The Raiders do not appear to be Minervan troops. You see no evidence of that level of technology or and symbols or logos, at least. -They don't seem to have a fuel source. You think they probably just try to steal some from the villages nearby when they can. -Since you've watched you saw one of them try to steal food from the fields around one of the villages. They were interrupted and run off by the sudden appearance of two of the machine-gun jeeps. Prisoner questioning: -The people you question are able to tell you that Minerva routinely sends a caravan after each harvest to take the excess food the grow. Minerva supplies them with tech, maintenance on their tech, and other necessary supplies. They just grow as much food as they can and send the rest. Generally very content with this arrangement. The "propaganda" is that Minerva will protect them from raiders and other groups. They suffered many attacks in the past and are very grateful that Minerva helps protect them now. Harvest: Going well. Research: Going well. construction: Going well. Mission to Samara: Muahahaaha! They don't get back this week! And that's all you know so far.
Post by Admin on Nov 25, 2014 22:49:14 GMT
EDIT: The crates you found were large, several hundred pounds each. Before they were dropped your scouts reported seeing a plane high in the sky, but it departed quickly, too quickly for them to take any action.
Faction 1
Posts: 839
Post by rat on Nov 26, 2014 2:05:16 GMT
In the case of high-altitude UAVs like "Reaper" did our scouts would not see.
Post by Admin on Nov 26, 2014 3:31:28 GMT
It wasn't a UAV, it was a larger plane, so they were just able to see it. Well, I was just being nice and saying you see it, but if you don't want your men to have seen it, that's ok with me